
William Bloom

William Bloom is a British author, teacher, and public speaker in the fields of meditation, holistic health, and New Age spiritual concepts, such as working with angels and nature spirits.

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Psychic Protection: Creating Positive Energies for People and Places

From Simon & Schuster, Psychic Protection offers practical ways to dispel the uncomfortable or hostile atmosphere that permeates difficult or unpleasant situations.

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Psychic Protection Masterclass for Experienced Practitioners and Beginners — Insights and Exercises

This Psychic Protection class (based on the bestselling book 'Psychic Protection') is for experienced practitioners and beginners. Filled with practical exercises and great insights, it will help you maintain your strength and centre in disturbing vibrations.

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Feeling Safe: How to Be Strong and Positive in a Changing World

This much-needed book outlines clear and effective strategies to help you cope with the tension, anxiety, trauma and violence of modern living.

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The Spirituality of Shopping

Few people in the modern world have a positive perception of money. We may love it for what it brings us, but hardly appreciate its true function and role. We rarely stand back and appreciate this cultural miracle.

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Helping a Loved One Pass Over #2 - Q & A

William addresses these issues in this video: Q: What about their last words? Shouldn’t I help them say whatever is on their mind? I felt that I should have done this with my mother. Q: Yes - There is unfinished business. It would be good to have it completed before they go.

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Inner Peace: As Easy As Breathing

You don't have to tie yourself in knots to meditate, nor chant unintelligible mantras. Quelling your unruly babble of thoughts in order to focus on the silence within is as simple as one to five, as Andrew Purvis discovers.

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William Bloom Interview - Endorphin Effect - Introduction

Interview with the British holistic teacher and author of The Endorphin Effect describing how he first developed the Endorphin Effect strategies.

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The Endorphin Effect: A Breakthrough Strategy for Holistic Health and Spiritual Wellbeing

Endorphins are the miracle hormones. Found in everyone, they kill pain, provide the foundation for good health and create the physical sensations of pleasure. They are responsible for the euphoria of athletes and the pleasure of lovemaking.

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Helping a Loved One Pass Over #1

This is number 1 of 3 videos. Number 2 is a Q & A session, number 3 is more mystical. In this first video are calm and reassuring words so that you can be of service with a loved one who is approaching end of life.

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Working with Angels, Fairies & Nature Spirits

Revealing a world that lies behind everyday reality, this guide describes the nature and purpose of spirits.

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