
Jeff Foster on presencequotes

Below are the best quotes we could find featuring jeff foster about presence.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageAbundance is not the money you have in your bank account, the trophies on your shelf, the letters after your name, the list of goals reached, the number of people you know, your perfect, healthy body, your adoring fans.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageAbundance is the feeling of the afternoon breeze on your cheeks, the sun warming your face. It is meeting others in the field of honesty and vulnerability, connecting beyond the story, sharing what is alive.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageTo allow our hearts to break, to soften them, to sink deeply into the knowing that everything will fall, everything will pass, everything will crumble, can be the great portal to awakening. We simply stop taking everything for granted. We stop living in ‘tomorrow’ and turn toward the living day.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageStop trying to heal yourself, fix yourself, even awaken yourself. Let go of letting go. Stop trying to fast-forward the movie of your life, chasing futures that never seem to arrive. Instead, bow deeply to yourself as you actually are.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageWhy does it often take extreme life situations to bring back an awareness of the magic and mystery of life? Why do we often wait until we’re about to die before discovering a deep gratitude for life as it is? Why do we exhaust ourselves seeking love, acceptance, fame, success, or spiritual...

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FindCenter Quotes ImageThis moment is not life waiting to happen, goals waiting to be achieved, words waiting to be spoken, connections waiting to be made, regrets waiting to evaporate, aliveness waiting to be felt, enlightenment waiting to be gained. No. Nothing is waiting. This is it. This moment is life.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageThere is nothing to figure out, and nothing to understand. You are not a person. There is not such thing as a person. The so-called person is merely a thought in the mind of God. In truth, it’s even not that.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageStop thinking your way through life, always trying to work it out before living it. Life is to be lived, not analyzed to death.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageAdmit’ is a beautiful word—it means both ‘tell the truth’ and ‘allow in.’ To admit present experience—to tell the truth about what is actually present—is to recognize that what’s present has already been admitted into life.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageOh yes, for sure, there will be heartbreak! And you will learn to get out of your head and into your immediate embodied experience, coming out of mental stories and conclusions, and contacting the raw energy of the here and now, directly feeling the devastation of your dreams rather than...

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