
Joe Dispenza

Joe Dispenza is an American author, speaker, researcher, and chiropractor who draws on the intersections of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology, and genetics to bridge the gap between science and spirituality.

Joe Dispenza
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Telomeres: What Does a Lobster Know That You Don't Know?

When we make the decision to change our lives, fully commit to the work and then override old neural networks that lead us down the same predictable path and create new ones, our biology must change too. If a lobster can do it, why can't you?

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The Power of Negative Thoughts

We can only accept, believe and surrender to thoughts and ideas that are equal to our present emotional state.

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Heal: The Feeling Creates the Healing W/ Dr Joe Dispenza

Don't believe you can change your destiny? This video could help you change your mind.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageWe should concentrate not merely on avoiding negative emotions, like fear and anger, but also on consciously cultivating heartfelt, positive emotions, such as gratitude, joy, excitement, enthusiasm, fascination, awe, inspiration, wonder, trust, appreciation, kindness, compassion, and empowerment.

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Dismantle the Memory of the Old You and Become the New You

Thus, you have to ask yourself, “Is this thought true, or is it just what I think and believe while I am feeling this way? If I act on this impulse, will it lead me to the same result in my life?”

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Overcoming Anxiety

In many ways, anxiety is a healthy response to an external stimulus. We should be in a heightened or aroused state when we give a speech, fly in a plane during times of intense turbulence, or encounter a potential threat from a neighbor's Rottweiler who has broken lose from their yard.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageYour brain and body don’t know the difference between having an actual experience in your life and just thinking about the experience—neurochemically, it’s the same.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageTo be happy with yourself in the present moment while maintaining a dream of your future is a grand recipe for manifestation.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageYour thoughts are incredibly powerful. Choose yours wisely.

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FindCenter Quotes ImageMeditating is also a means for you to move beyond your analytical mind so that you can access your subconscious mind. That’s crucial, since the subconscious is where all your bad habits and behaviors that you want to change reside.

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Bruce Lipton