Past Lives and Reincarnation articles

Below are the best articles we could find on Past Lives and Reincarnation.

Reincarnation is the idea that we have a permanent, eternal soul that can experience multiple cycles of being born, living, and dying. It is an essential part of the Hindu religion, while Buddhists reject the idea of a permanent soul and believe in rebirth and karmic merit. Other traditions also hold a belief of reincarnation, with a common theme of your experiences and decisions in past lives influencing the circumstances of your current life. Past life regression therapy is used as a way to try to tap into the memories of these past lives.

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Do You Only Live Once? the Evidence for Rebirth

What happens after you die? That used to be just a religious question, but science is starting to weigh in. Sam Littlefair looks at the evidence that you’ve lived before.

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Reincarnation: What Do Modern Research and Traditional Buddhist Teachings Say?

In the current issue of Lion’s Roar magazine, we look at academic research on reincarnation at the University of Virginia. How does that research compare to the Buddhist views? We break it down.

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Ian Stevenson’s Case for the Afterlife: Are We ‘Skeptics’ Really Just Cynics?

If you’re anything like me, with eyes that roll over to the back of your head whenever you hear words like “reincarnation” or “parapsychology,” if you suffer great paroxysms of despair for human intelligence whenever you catch a glimpse of that dandelion-colored cover of Heaven Is For...

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Altered Fate

"I have a lot of psychiatrists, but also psychologists and other therapists, who call or write to me and tell me that they've been doing this work secretly or privately for the past 10 or 15 years, don't tell anyone, and out come these beautiful case histories." - Brian Weiss

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The Search for Past Life

A couple of Saturday nights ago, while everyone else in the Chicago area was dining at fashionable restaurants, stretching out in front of the tube at home for a rerun of ''The Golden Girls'' or chugging beer at Comiskey Park, more than 200 people, including this reporter, were seated in a large...

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Reincarnation and Rebirth

One morning last fall, while sipping my chai, I tapped the TOI app on my iPad, and the Times of India appeared. The top story was startling.

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Interview with Brian Weiss

Before I published my books, some physicians and therapists were still finding mystical experiences and unexplained healing, what you might call ‘miracles’, but they didn’t talk about it. Now, it’s safer, because there are other books, not just mine.

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Remembrances of Lives Past

Now, Dr. Weiss said: “Doctors are e-mailing me. They’re not so concerned with their reputations and careers. We can talk about this openly. And it’s not just psychiatrists, but surgeons and architects.”

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The Science of Reincarnation

For nearly 15 years, Tucker has been investigating claims made by children, usually between the ages of 2 and 6 years old, who say they’ve had past lives.

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Is There Evidence of Reincarnation?

Have you lived before? The idea that our souls live through many lifetimes over the centuries is known as reincarnation.

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Past Life Regression and Therapy