Past Lives and Reincarnation articles

Below are the best articles we could find on Past Lives and Reincarnation.

Reincarnation is the idea that we have a permanent, eternal soul that can experience multiple cycles of being born, living, and dying. It is an essential part of the Hindu religion, while Buddhists reject the idea of a permanent soul and believe in rebirth and karmic merit. Other traditions also hold a belief of reincarnation, with a common theme of your experiences and decisions in past lives influencing the circumstances of your current life. Past life regression therapy is used as a way to try to tap into the memories of these past lives.

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Rebirth and Reincarnation in Buddhism

Would you be surprised to learn that reincarnation is not a Buddhist teaching? "Reincarnation" normally is understood to be the transmigration of a soul to another body after death. There is no such teaching in Buddhism--a fact that surprises many people, even some Buddhists

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Reincarnation and Karma: How It All Works

Do we only live once? It all depends on one’s perspective. If you think we’re nothing but chemicals with no soul, then yes, it is the end. If you believe in only one life and then it’s heaven or hell, then no. It’s especially not the end if you happen to believe in reincarnation.

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Searching for the Science Behind Reincarnation

Say a child has memories of being a Hollywood extra in the 1930s.

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Return to Life': How Some Children Have Memories of Reincarnation

It’s not unusual for little boys to have vivid imaginations, but Ryan’s stories were truly legendary.

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The Test of Reincarnation of the Soul by Dna and Iris Scanner (Part Two)

The test of reincarnation of the soul has only been studied through the Tibetan Book of the Dead, written by Padmasambhava in the 8th century.

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Shirley MacLaine Recalls the Sinking of Atlantis and Other Past-Life Challenges

Shirley MacLaine has been throttled many, many times. She learned this while getting hydrotherapy for her aching neck.

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Past Life Regression and Therapy