Spiritual Development by kinesiologyarticles

Below are the best articles we could find on Spiritual Development featuring kinesiology.

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Progress Can Make Us More Spiritual, Not Less

Ephemeralism does not turn away from the material side of life; instead, this principle of living calls forth a new partnership where the material and the non-material aspects of life co-evolve and grow in concert with one another.

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Rabbi Rami: Has Religion Primed Us for Fake News?

Imagine these headlines: God impregnates betrothed teenager (Jesus); Accused murderer receives revelation on Mt. Sinai (Moses); Arab businessman flies to heaven on winged horse (Muhammad). Has religion primed us for today’s fake news?

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How to Let Your Spirit (Not Your Ego) Be Your Guide

We have the ability to raise our own frequency—all it requires is connecting to spirit and dropping the ego. Here's a quick introduction to how it's done.

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Rabbi Rami: Did Slaves Sell Their Souls to Get Free?

When we imagine that the only way black slaves can overthrow white slavers is by aligning themselves with the Devil, we are saying that freedom is satanic.

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Compassionate Wrath: Transpersonal Approaches to Anger

In this essay, two transpersonally-oriented approaches to anger are closely examined, and a radical reconsideration of anger is recommended.

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Rabbi Rami Shapiro: Help! I’m Being Threatened with Hell

I’m being hounded by evangelicals calling me a sinner and threatening me with Hell. How can I make them stop?

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Rabbi Rami: Everyone Says “Follow Your Heart.” But How?

Forget your heart and follow your stomach. Work through your options two at a time. Label one “heads” and the other “tails.”

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Rabbi Rami Shapiro “I Find Myself Wishing My Dad Would Die?”

My dad is dying, and I moved him to a very fine care facility. The cost is crushing, and I took a second job to cover it. Now I find myself wishing he would die, and the guilt I’m experiencing is as crushing as the cost.

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Rabbi Rami: How Can I Overcome My Fear When Hearing Allahu Akbar?

Whenever you hear Allahu Akbar, affirm it: Yes! God is great! Greater than my fear; greater than my xenophobia; and greater than anything keeping me from being a strong, loving, and prophetic voice for compassion and justice.

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Rabbi Rami: As a Fundamentalist Christian, Am I Safe from Muslims?

Question – I consider myself a fundamentalist Christian, and I fear Muslims coming to America. Is Islam compatible with American values?

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Spiritual Growth