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Stoicism | How Marcus Aurelius Keeps Calm

By Marcus Aurelius — 2020

Needless to say, Marcus Aurelius was a busy man, carrying the burden of leadership over an empire, and all the stress that comes from this. His work, Meditations, gives us an idea of how he coped.

06:57 min


Change Your Life by Changing Your Thought Process | Brendon Burchard

Life coach to billionaires and one of the greatest influencers of all time, Brendon Burchard knows exactly how to make an impact.

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How Simple Systems Can Unlock Your Writing Productivity, Interview with Kari Roberts

It's so hard to find time to do all the things a writer is supposed to do these days. If only we had a way to simple way to make space for creativity—if only we could be more productive as writers.

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5 Focus & Productivity Hacks for Musicians | How to Do More in Less Time

Do you ever go into the studio to write music, really motivated and ready to achieve a lot, but then come out with pretty much nothing to show for it? Do you find yourself getting distracted and scattered, not making any progress? Your ability to focus is one of the most important aspects of...

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How Craving Attention Makes You Less Creative | Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Joseph Gordon-Levitt has gotten more than his fair share of attention from his acting career. But as social media exploded over the past decade, he got addicted like the rest of us - trying to gain followers and likes only to be left feeling inadequate and less creative.

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In Conversation with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi at Happiness & Its Causes 2014

An in-depth and engaging conversation about the life, work and passions of world-leading psychologist, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

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Flow: How to Be Totally in the 'Now' with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi at Happiness & Its Causes 2017

Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, one of the greatest psychologists of our time, pioneering researcher into optimal experience, or 'flow'.

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Living in Flow—the Secret of Happiness with Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi at Happiness & Its Causes 2014

• What really makes us glad to be alive? • What are the inner experiences that make life worthwhile? • When do we experience ‘flow’ – a state of joy, creativity and total involvement? • What does the research show about the beneficial effects of ‘flow’ on our happiness and...

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Stress Management