Authenticity articles

Below are the best articles we could find on Authenticity.

Authenticity, the ability to live a life that’s true to your own values and goals regardless of what others might think, has become an important concept in modern society. We seek authenticity in the businesses we frequent, the leaders we follow, and the causes we connect with. But being authentic isn’t always easy, as the desire to conform to the standards of others can be strong; even when we feel we’ve been living an authentic life, we can suddenly realize that we still have habits of pleasing others or seeking to fit in even if it’s to our own detriment. Being authentic is a continuous practice that involves being honest with ourselves about what we truly want—and whether we’re following our own ideals, even if it might mean going against the grain.

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Country Queers in Central Appalachia

In July 2013 I founded an oral history project called Country Queers out of intense frustration at the lack of rural queer visibility.

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If You’re LGBTQ, Self-Acceptance Can Be Especially Hard, But There Is Support When You’re Ready to Be Yourself

Developing a positive identity can be tricky for all young people, especially those questioning their sexuality or gender, but these tips from a professional counsellor may help

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May 20, 1990: Advice on Life and Creative Integrity from Calvin and Hobbes Creator Bill Watterson

On May 20, 1990, Bill Watterson, creator of the beloved Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, took the podium at Kenyon College — the same stage David Foster Wallace would occupy 15 years later to deliver his memorable commencement address — and gave the graduating class a gift of equally remarkable insight...

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LGBTQIA+ Affirmation and Safety: ‘Belonging, Like Air, Is a Fundamental Human Need’

Being able to safely affirm one’s gender identity and sexual orientation is crucial to mental and physical well-being. Yet many LGBTQIA+ people face enormous challenges in owning their true identities.

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Discovering Grace: Finding Identity in the Midst of Eating Disorder Recovery

No one has to be ashamed of any part of themselves; for each of us is much more than just our physical characteristics.

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The Brathen Effect: 5 Life Lessons I Learned While Living with Yoga Girl

"But once you looked past the perfect yoga poses set on a beach, there was someone real. She was giving people a glimpse into her personal life, and was using Instagram as if it was her private journal. And man could she write. I couldn’t wait to meet her." - Krista Lettko

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Muslims, Jews and Christians on Being LGBT and Believing in God

The lesbian, gay, bi, and trans-rights charity Stonewall has enlisted faith role models to tackle the idea that religion and sexuality are mutually exclusive.

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Brené Brown: Why Human Connection Will Bring Us Closer Together

I spoke to Brené Brown, author of the new book Braving the Wilderness: The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone, about why we have a crisis of disconnection in society, the importance of a sense of belonging, the difference between true belonging and fitting in, why human...

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What Is Self-Actualization? 13 Traits of Self-Actualized People

If becoming a self-actualized person means realizing our greatest talents and achieving our greatest potential, how do we go about doing that? How do we achieve self-actualization?

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We’re Meditating All Wrong, Says ‘Buddha from Brooklyn’

Westerners are missing the point of meditation, according to one of the first American teachers of meditation, Brooklyn-born Lama Surya Das. He explains in his new book, “Make Me One with Everything.”

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