Inner Peace & acceptancebooks

Below are the best books we could find on Inner Peace and acceptance.

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F**k It: Be at Peace with Life, Just as It Is

Is there a gap between how you’d like things to be and how they are? Most likely there is, and it hurts. It may be a small gap or a freaking enormous ravine, but that gap is, in fact, probably the primary cause of pain and unhappiness for most people.

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The Inward Journey

Meditations that address the deepest needs and aspirations of the human spirit. Themes include: The Quest for Meaning, The Quest for Understanding, The Quest for Fulfillment, The Quest for Love, The Quest for Peace, The Quest for God, and Psalm 139.

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Contentment: A Way to True Happiness

Acclaimed Jungian visionary Robert A. Johnson and psychotherapist and author Jerry M. Ruhl present a fresh way to approach contentment, showing us clearly and simply how we can realize true, lasting happiness.

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Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment

In a world where fear, crisis, and insufficiency dominate the media and many personal lives, the notion of claiming contentment may seem fantastic or even heretical. Yet finding sufficiency right where you stand may be the answer to a world obsessed with lack.

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A Lamp in the Darkness: Illuminating the Path Through Difficult Times

When the path ahead is dark, how can we keep from stumbling? How do we make our way with courage and dignity? “Inside each of us is an eternal light that I call ‘the One Who Knows,’ ” writes Jack Kornfield.

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In Love with the World: A Monk’s Journey Through the Bardos of Living and Dying

At thirty-six years old, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche was a rising star within his generation of Tibetan masters and the respected abbot of three monasteries.

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Good Morning, I Love You: Mindfulness + Self-Compassion Practices to Rewire Your Brain for Calm, Clarity + Joy

Many of us yearn to feel a greater sense of inner calm, ease, joy, and purpose. We have tried meditation and found it too difficult. We judge ourselves for being no good at emptying our minds (as if one ever could) or compare ourselves with yogis who seem to have it all together.

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Let that Sh*t Go: Find Peace of Mind and Happiness in Your Everyday

It’s no wonder you can’t calm down: your to-do list is as long as your arm, your bank balance keeps dropping, you feel guilty for not calling your parents more often and there always seems to be a big deadline to meet at work.

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Emotional and Mental Health