Burnout articles

Below are the best articles we could find on Burnout.

Burnout is a state of physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion that emerges from a prolonged period of stress or external demands. When we fail to listen to or are unable to respond to the limits of our internal warnings that we are doing too much, we reach “burnout.” While general symptoms of exhaustion are usually present, the most notable symptom of feeling burnt out is a loss of motivation, especially to complete work or maintain a relationship that was previously important or meaningful to us. This usually stems from feeling that our previous intense efforts have not accomplished the desired results or are now pointless. Fortunately, burnout is not a permanent state, but it takes some care and intention to replenish our spirits and revive.

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How to Counter Burnout When You Work 9 to 5 as a Creative

We recently chatted with painter Jocelyn Teng about how she unwinds, nixing the work/life balance ideal and what’s next for her.

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Burnt-Out Doctors Are Being Recruited to Try 'Magic' Mushrooms for Pandemic-Related Depression and Anxiety

Doctors who have been on the front lines of the pandemic since the first COVID cases appeared in the US now have the opportunity to try an unorthodox form of therapy: shrooms.

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Burnout Is a Serious Problem—How One Start-up Founder Beat It to Have a ‘Healthier, Balanced Life’

Research shows that entrepreneurs are more likely than most to suffer from mental health conditions—a factor of their high-stress jobs and the psychological traits that steer people toward starting a business in the first place.

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The Seven Types of Rest: I Spent a Week Trying Them All. Could They Help End My Exhaustion?

When we feel fatigued most of us focus on sleep problems. But proper relaxation takes many forms. I spent a week exploring what really works.

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The Cure to a Creative Block is Making Something You’ll Never Show Anyone Else

So making songs now that I know aren’t going to be heard by anybody else, it is an interesting thing. Because I think you have to do that now as an artist. I really do. —Donald Glover, Grantland interview

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Burnout Risk for Climate Change Activists Suffering 'Hopelessness' and 'Despair'

Clinical psychologists and counsellors reported an increase in people who have identified climate change as a cause for feelings of hopelessness, doubts about their future and despair.

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Of Course Moms Are Burned Out and Struggling—Here’s How We Fix That

Stressed out and overwhelmed should not be the default emotional status for women. What we need to ask is what we are going to do about it?

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New Mothers, Let’s Talk About Your Professional Identity Crisis

Parenthood — especially for women — changes you. After giving birth, the brain actually redesigns itself, trimming old connections and building new ones. If you’re someone who has constructed your adult identity around your career, these changes to how you operate can shake your foundations.

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9 Practical Tips to Build Resiliency and Combat Caregiver Burnout

From finding humor in a tough situation to trying creative problem-solving, you can develop a more resilient spirit.

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Avoid Activist Burnout and Sustain Your Commitment to Community

It’s easy to feel like we’re not doing enough to help the community, but Lesley University’s Community Service Office has advice on how to combat helplessness and support each other through the coronavirus pandemic.

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Emotional and Mental Health