Gratitude by andy puddicombepodcasts

Below are the best podcasts we could find on Gratitude featuring andy puddicombe.

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Negativity Bias

Psychologists have found that negative events or happenings have a greater impact on us than positive ones do. But it’s possible to change that by repeatedly looking out for the goodness in life.

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Why You Should Stop Complaining

We’ve all heard that complaining isn’t good for your mood, but it’s also unhealthy for the body. Today, when the urge to complain arises, we invite you to try to reframe your reaction into something healthier — like gratitude — instead.

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Each Step Counts

We love how the wellness community connects online, and how much it’s grown! But it’s easy to see everyone’s wellness breakthroughs and ‘healing highlights’ on social media, and think that’s all wellness should be.

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Best-Laid Plans

We all know what happens to best-laid plans. Disruption to routine and uncertainty is a fact of life. But one of the best ways to combat anxiety and frustration around disruptions is to practice gratitude for things that are going well.

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Undivided Attention

Receiving attention from someone you love and respect can make you feel special, wanted, and increase your confidence. If you find it hard to set aside the time, Sam has some fun ideas and conversation starters to get you going.

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Urge Surfing

Today, Sam talks about how Buddhist and Japanese minimalist philosophies can be applied to our daily practice. Additionally, she teaches us how to deal with urges that may prevent us from thinking clearly.

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Radio Headspace Rewind: What Do You Appreciate Most?

Who or what do you appreciate the most? The answer doesn’t actually matter, just try to notice what comes up.

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Radio Headspace Rewind: I Hope You Remember Me

Thinking about our own impermanence can be scary, or it can give you a sense of appreciation for being alive.

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Radio Headspace Rewind: Your Reticular Activating System

All of the sensory information we receive every single day is filtered by one part of the brain: the reticular activating system, or RAS. Today, focus on the good things to forge more positive connections.

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Radio Headspace Rewind: Past, Present, Future You

The only constant in life is change. And some of us embrace it more than others — especially when we think about how we as people are changing all the time.

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