Letting Go by social responsibilityquotes

Below are the best quotes we could find on Letting Go featuring social responsibility.

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FindCenterMeditating is also a means for you to move beyond your analytical mind so that you can access your subconscious mind. That’s crucial, since the subconscious is where all your bad habits and behaviors that you want to change reside.

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FindCenterEarthly goods are given to be used, not to be collected. In the wilderness God gave Israel the manna every day, and they had no need to worry about food and drink. Indeed, if they kept any of the manna over until the next day, it went bad.

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FindCenterLive out of your imagination, not your history.

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FindCenterWhen you get rid of your fear of failure, your tensions about succeeding . . . you can be yourself. Relaxed. You’ll no longer be driving with your brakes on.

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FindCenterI detach myself from preconceived outcomes and trust that all is well.

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FindCenterBreath by breath, let go of fear, expectation, anger, regret, cravings, frustration, fatigue. Let go of the need for approval. Let go of old judgments and opinions. Die to all that, and fly free. Soar in the freedom of desirelessness. Let go. Let Be.

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FindCenterForgiveness means letting go of the hope for a better past.

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FindCenterWe try to fix the outside so much, but our control of the outer world is limited, temporary, and often, illusory.

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FindCenterI’m at my strongest when I’m able to let go, when I suspend my beliefs as well as disbeliefs, and leave myself open to all possibilities. That also seems to be when I’m able to experience the most internal clarity and synchronicities.

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FindCenterIn that inevitable, excruciatingly human moment, we are offered a powerful choice. This choice is perhaps one of the most vitally important choices we will ever make, and it determines the course of our lives from that moment forward.

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Emotional and Mental Health