Self-Care & bipoc well beingpodcasts

Below are the best podcasts we could find on Self-Care and bipoc well being.

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Start Small Today

It can be hard to get started on a project — and the bigger the task, the harder it often seems. Today, we’ll use a tool called the “Now Step” to get unstuck and start moving forward on the things that matter to us.

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Practice Kind Self-Talk

Words impact our minds and bodies — especially the ones we say to ourselves. Today, we’ll reflect on your self-talk and use kindness as a tool to reduce stress.

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Savor Your Support System

It’s easy to forget the people and communities that always have your back. Today, join us in reflecting on your support system and savoring the people who surround you with care.

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Making a Habit of You

Today’s meditation is inspired by author Jen Sincero’s new book “Badass Habits.” We’ll reflect on what habits we have that we like and what habits we might want to change.

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Embrace What’s Uncertain

Our brains are programmed to look for worst-case scenarios as a form of protection. Today’s practice is centered on training ourselves to challenge negative thoughts when they arrive and find silver linings, even in times of uncertainty.

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Set an Intention for Uncertainty

In times of uncertainty, it's nice to set an intention for how you want to respond and navigate the unknown. Today, we're journaling our intention for the big day and week ahead.

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Reset Your Boundaries

Boundaries can help us protect our mental energy — and it’s always helpful to check in and reset them. Today we're practicing setting boundaries, worrying intentionally, and identifying what we can do to take action.

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Offer Yourself Empathy

We're quick to empathize with other people, but sometimes it can be hard to do it with ourselves. Today's meditation is a practice in observing and identifying your emotions through self-empathy.

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Language: Race, Labels and Becoming Featuring Eniafe Isis, Writer, All Her Words

In this conversation with Eniafe Isis, we talk about language, race, labels and how together, they heavily influence the eloquence or the challenge in how we speak love into ourselves and how we believe in ourselves.

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Challenge Your Self-Imposed Rules

Today we're setting the intention to challenge the rules we've set that may hold us back.

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Emotional and Mental Health