Transformation by ilia delio

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A Hunger for Wholeness: Soul, Space, and Transcendence

Jesuit scientist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a keen observer of nature, posited two types of energy in the universe: tangential energy/energy of attraction and radial energy/energy of transcendence―in other words, love and consciousness, which correspond to the inner and outer dimensions of...

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Suffering and Sacrifice in an Unfinished Universe: The Energy of Love

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was intrigued by computer technology and its potential to link humankind on a new level of a global mind. He has been labeled a forerunner of transhumanism; however, his theological vision is not about enhancement but transformation.

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FindCenterLife in God should be a daring adventure of love—a continuous journey of putting aside our securities to enter more profoundly into the uncharted depths of God. Too often, however, we settle for mediocrity.

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