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A Mental Vaccine for Anxiety & Anger (Loving Kindness) (Daily Update 14)

Did you know that there is already a vaccine against panic, anxiety, and selfishness? It’s called loving kindness, and you can get vaccinated today.

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How To Stop Worrying (3 Key Tips) (Coronavirus Anxiety Daily Update 10)

In this podcast, I talk about worry and control: Why we feel like we need to be in control, how trying to gain control over things beyond our reach can cause problems, and of course what we can do to balance all of this.

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How To Avoid a News-Driven Fear and Anxiety Spiral (Daily Update 20)

When you read the news, do you find yourself getting more afraid? Our brains are not set up to think critically in an environment of uncertainty, but there are ways to keep our rational brain in charge and think more clearly about the world around us…even during a crisis.

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How To Avoid Spiraling Into Guilt and Shame (Daily Update 15)

Are you feeling stuck at home, unable to do anything but watch the current crisis from the sidelines? What you’re feeling is totally normal, but there are ways to keep from spiraling into negative emotions and recognize that we’re all doing our part.

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5 Mental Habits To Build During Uncertain Times (Coronavirus Anxiety Daily Update 6)

During this time of panic and uncertainty, it's critical to build good mental habits and practice mental hygiene.

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Greet Anxiety with Curiosity

When we greet our anxiety with curiosity, we can slow down worry spirals and come back to the present moment. Today, Joy Ofodu teaches us about the two kinds of curiosity and an easy exercise by neuroscientist Dr. Judson Brewer that you can try the next time you’re anxious.

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Cope with Uncertainty

This September feels different from most. To cope with the uncertainty you may be feeling, practice focusing on what you can control and letting go of the rest.

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Greet Anxiety with Action

Instead of ruminating on our worries, we can push the thought process forward. Today, ask yourself "if this happens, what will I do next?" in a gentle, reflective meditation.

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Autistic Perseveration: Why Do We Perseverate and What Should You Do about It?

Perseverative behavior is simply a repetitive behavior, an action that a person keeps repeating without meaning to. Some examples include saying the same words, moving in the same pattern, or even thinking the same unhelpful thought, long after whatever initially prompted the activity has passed.

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07 – Become 10% Happier with Good Morning America Anchor Dan Harris

Amy interviews Dan Harris about how meditation has helped him manage his anxiety and panic attacks. He addresses some of the biggest misconceptions about meditation, shares the biggest benefits he's gained, and provides a quick step-by-step process for beginners to try meditation right now.

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