Mindfulness Practices & mind body connection

Below are the best resources we could find on Mindfulness Practices and mind body connection.

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How to Unlock the Full Potential of Your Mind | Dr. Joe Dispenza on Impact Theory

Dr. Joe Dispenza is teaching the world how to empower and heal our mind through meditation and mindfulness. His studies have proven that when well practiced these tools can put us on the path to understanding and breaking deep-rooted bad habits and even heal illnesses.

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Science of Breath

Much of the Western world was completely unaware of the profound impact of the breath on the body and mind until the 1970's.

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Deep Relaxation

Soften the shoulders, rest the eyes, feel the breath — Sister Chan Khong on how to release the stress in our bodies.

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Deep Relaxation: Coming Home to Your Body

For nearly 30 years Sister Chan Khong’s Deep Relaxation practice has been a highlight for thousands of people who have attended Order of Interbeing Buddhist retreats.

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How to Practice Deep Relaxation

Relaxing the mind is a big goal of Buddhist practice, but to do that you need to relax your body as well. Sister Chan Khong teaches us a three-step practice to access a deep restfulness that rivals sleep.

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Guided Meditations, Explorations and Healings

From the revered meditation teacher Stephen Levine, here is a volume of guided meditations for the deeper healing of spirit, mind, and body.

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5 Ways Breathwork Can Support a Mindful Pregnancy

The breath is the foundation of every mindfulness practice, and it is also the foundation of life. Establishing a relationship with your breath, especially while pregnant, will have lasting effects for you and the child you are bringing into the world.

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How to Rest in Awareness by Tapping into a Mindful Moment

Mindfulness teacher Jason Gant reflects on a heartfelt memory when he was able to lean on his deep practice and mindfully take action.

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How Does the Feldenkrais Method® Work?—3 Principles by Annie Thoe

This 5 minute video is about How does the Feldenkrais Method Work? Explanation of the remarkable results with the Feldenkrais Method, Many clients can't explain the "magic" in this work to their friends what happens in a Feldenkrais private lesson or Awareness Through Movement class.

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Savor: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life

With the scientific expertise of Dr.

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