Meditation & subconscious

Below are the best resources we could find on Meditation and subconscious.

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Late Night Sitting Can Change Your Life ~ Shinzen Young

Shinzen Young spoke of how late night sitting can restructure how you experience the world, during a recent Southern California retreat. An all-night “Yaza” (or night sit) was scheduled to begin right after his dharma talk. Many people decided to do it after hearing this description.

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FindCenterO teach me how I should forget to think.

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FindCenterMeditating is also a means for you to move beyond your analytical mind so that you can access your subconscious mind. That’s crucial, since the subconscious is where all your bad habits and behaviors that you want to change reside.

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FindCenterYou will learn that the true purpose of meditation is to get beyond the analytical mind and enter into the subconscious mind so you can make real and permanent changes.

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FindCenterWe meditate to enter the operating system of the subconscious, where all of those unwanted habits and behaviors reside, and change them to more productive modes to support us in our lives.

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